Summoners Lv, XP and other statistics (Computed)
LV 1-50 are based on sporadic data from Japan. LV 50 to 300 are computed based on algorithm observed from Japan Wiki Source. Actuals may deviate minimally unless Alim defines new breakpoints. Japan had +15 more Unit Costs vs Global up till 13th August.
XP indicated refers to XP needed to attain the level in the same ROW.
As of 13th August 2014 update, Global data is now the same as JP.
LV |
Energy |
Unit Cost |
Friends |
XP Needed |
XP Diff |
Max Metal / Jewel Parades |
Max Super Metal Parades |
LV |
Energy |
Unit Cost |
Friends |
XP Needed |
XP Diff |
Max Metal / Jewel Parades |
Max Super Metal Parades |